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June 2024

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  • Monsoon, Mud and Memories

    The monsoons may bring rain showers and damp grounds, but for the young and passionate footballers at Warming Up Kids, it's a season of endless excitement and adrenaline. As the raindrops hit the fields, these spirited kids gear up to embrace the unique charm of football during the monsoons. Let’s dive straight into muddy tackles, and the sheer joy that comes with playing the beautiful game under the monsoon skies. Embracing the Elements At Warming Up Kids, the monsoons aren't a reason to seek shelter; they are an invitation to take the game outdoors, rain or shine. Playing football amid...
  • Football classes that go beyond the field and teach a lesson in inclusivity and humanity

    Warming Up Kids (WUK) began with just one child in 2015; they now train around 150 children in Salt Lake’s parks. A sports academy in the city has been pushing children to get outdoors and play. From training three kids of a family, Warming Up Kids (WUK) now conducts four classes a week for around 150 children aged three to 13. The journey of Warming Up Kids (WUK) began with just one child in 2015. Founder Runa Kedia recounted her experience with her son Aryaman as being the driving factor behind it. “My husband Ashwini is really passionate about s...

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